Spectra Colors 2002 Calendar production begins

Brenda Ramirez, Manager, International Sales, and Carol Dix, Manager, Technical Sales will coordinate the production of our 2002 Spectra Calendar.

Brenda and Carol were the winners of a contest asking for the best ideas on the theme and format for our calendar.  Spectra personnel submitted many ideas in the last few weeks.  The winners were voted on by our personnel as an over whelming favorite.

These are the winning ideas as presented:
From: Carol Dix, —>  My customers really like our calendars.  For something a little different, I thought having each month the focus of one color.  One month could be yellow with pictures of yellow ink, markers, crayons, candles, paper, etc.  That would really emphasize color.  Color suggestions: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, purple, fuchsia, brown, gray, black.

From: Brenda, —>  Since I am into motivational quotes, I think it could be a nice idea to have one color featured each month (a color that would correspond to the season) like Carol suggested, with a motivational quote that features each color.

These appointments will assure Spectra of having the best calendar ever.



Spectra Colors' Search Engine

How to use Spectra’s new search capabilities

If you need to contact a Spectra POC but have forgotten how to spell
their last name you may now search on the portion you know.  Simply
follow the contact – employees – search link and enter the letters of the
name that you are sure of.

Perhaps, you want to see listings of departments or agents in
a particular country.  Proceed to the same page and you will be able to perform a search on either.


Spectra Colors’ Search Engine

How to use Spectra’s new search capabilities

If you need to contact a Spectra POC but have forgotten how to spell
their last name you may now search on the portion you know.  Simply
follow the contact – employees – search link and enter the letters of the
name that you are sure of.

Perhaps, you want to see listings of departments or agents in
a particular country.  Proceed to the same page and you will be able to perform a search on either.


Spectra Colors' New Website

All you want to know about the new look and feel of spectracolors.com
and the technology behind it.

Recently, Spectra Colors Corporation contracted Feenyx.com Incorporated to design and develop its new website. You will notice that in addition to a new look and feel there is a lot of new functionality.

One of the main advantages of the site is the ease with which
users can obtain Point of Contact (POC) information on Spectra employees. In the new employees contact section a list of all employees’ names, phone numbers, and other pertinent data is available.  In order to make things easier, one need only click a button and all POC information is downloaded into an address book.

Suppose you want to find a contact but have forgotten their correct spelling of the name.  Spectra now allows you to search on the portion of the name you know.  Perhaps, you want to search by country or department – you may now do so.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback and welcome any
suggestions.  If need be, please contact the appropriate personnel.


Spectra Colors’ New Website

All you want to know about the new look and feel of spectracolors.com
and the technology behind it.

Recently, Spectra Colors Corporation contracted Feenyx.com Incorporated to design and develop its new website. You will notice that in addition to a new look and feel there is a lot of new functionality.

One of the main advantages of the site is the ease with which
users can obtain Point of Contact (POC) information on Spectra employees. In the new employees contact section a list of all employees’ names, phone numbers, and other pertinent data is available.  In order to make things easier, one need only click a button and all POC information is downloaded into an address book.

Suppose you want to find a contact but have forgotten their correct spelling of the name.  Spectra now allows you to search on the portion of the name you know.  Perhaps, you want to search by country or department – you may now do so.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback and welcome any
suggestions.  If need be, please contact the appropriate personnel.